11 Druze children killed by Hezbollah and the BBC bias

BBC Hezbollah Druze Golan Hights

First of all we are outraged by the Hezbollah rocket attack today on a soccer field in Majdal Shams, the predominantly Druze village on the Golan Hights, just a few kilometers from Mount Hermon where I like to go to hike in the summer and ski in the winter.

The rocket attack killed 11 children and injured some 30 people.

Let's see how the BBC reports it:

Eleven dead in rocket attack on Israeli-occupied Golan

Officials say the dead, as well as dozens of injured, were teenagers or young adults at a football game.

No mention who fired the rocket, but somehow it is important that Israel occupied it. Somehow they manage to only mention Israel in the headlines.

And another news item from the front-pages of the BBC:

Israeli strike on Gaza school killed 30 - health ministry

More than 100 were injured, the Hamas-run ministry said, adding that most victims were children.

Again they are blaming Israel, and here suddenly they were "killed" and not just "dead", and they seem to know those were children. In small letters they add that the information is from Hamas, something they started to do only after the backlash to their false reporting in October when as you might remember we found out that everything was a lie and specifically the numbers were much lower than what the BBC reported.

Two news items from the front page

Both somehow manage to make Israel the problem.

After seeing this, no surprise that a lot of people might think that Israel is to blame.

In fact the BBC knowingly helps the spread of the blood-libel.

Better reporting

If you'd like to get better reporting in English, consider reading The Times of Israel.