Hypothetical question about a Palestinian state

Israel Palestine state

HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION - What would happen if tomorrow morning, Israel would recognize a Palestinian state in all of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital?

  1. Would all pro-Palestinian activists suddenly drop the chant "from the river to the sea"?

  2. Would all Palestinian terror end?

  3. Would Iran leave Israel alone and stop calling for its destruction?

  4. Would the Hezbollah suspend all military activity against Israel from Lebanon?

  5. Would Hamas hang its cleats and just become a social service organization?

  6. Would all Palestinian education materials recognize Israel's right to exist side by side to a Palestinian state?

  7. Would Zionism be recognized by all Palestinians as a letigimate national movement of the Jewish people in their ancient homeland?

Originally posted by Eilav Sharvit.